Blaxland High School has 1000 networked computers available for student and staff use.
Acceptable uses
The computer network at Blaxland High School allows Internet access for educational purposes. This includes classroom activities, research activities, peer review of assigned work and the exchange of project-related ideas.
Network users must respect resource limits and must remain within the allocated disk space. Users have complete responsibility for their own home folders.
Student use of the Internet is contingent upon parent and caregiver permission in the form of a signed copy of the Internet policy.
Material created and/or stored on the system is not guaranteed to be private. Network administrators will review the system from time to time to ensure the system is being used properly. Students should expect that material placed on home folders may be viewed by the network administrator.
Network users must keep their passwords private. Passwords may not be shared. If a student believes that their home file has been tampered with, they must immediately report this to the network administrator.
Unacceptable uses
The network may not be used to download, copy, or store any software, shareware or freeware without prior permission from a teacher. No executable (.exe) or program files, for example games are to be downloaded without the permission of the network administrator.
The network may not be used for any activity, or to transmit any material, that violates any laws. This includes, but is not limited to, illegal activities such as threatening the safety of another person or violating copyright laws.
Network users may not use vulgar, derogatory, or obscene language. Users may not engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person.
Network users may not log onto someone else's account or attempt to access another user's files. Hacking or otherwise trying to access another person's or the network application files, is prohibited.
Network users may not access websites, newsgroups or areas that contain material that is obscene or that promotes illegal acts. While the Department of Education has an extensive filtering system, if a user accidentally accesses this type of information, they should immediately notify a teacher or the network administrator.
Students are not to use non-DET provided e-mail services for example, Hotmail and Yahoo within the school.
The use of compact discs (CDs), discs, other media from home or other sources is not permitted.
Digital devices
Bring your own device
Students only in Year 11 and Year 12 are permitted to bring their own device to assist in their learning. This device must conform to standards set by the school. In order to bring a device, students must read the bring your own device (BYOD) guidelines and application form (PDF 559KB).
Students must then complete the form, returning this to the technology support officer Mr Kurver in the support office opposite the bike racks.
When approved, students will be issued with a sticker for their device. Mobile phones or any portable music players are discouraged and are the sole responsibility of the students. They are not to be used in class.
Earphones are to be put in bags or pockets during class time. No responsibility will be taken by the school for any loss, damage or theft.